Thursday, March 21, 2013

Keep Towels 'Laundry Day' Fresh for Weeks!

There is one thing that probably sets me apart from most 'normal' folks:  I LOVE to do the laundry!  I really do!  I love gathering up all the dirty clothes (from the bathroom floors, the closets, the couches, the car, everywhere but IN the laundry baskets it seems! *sigh*), I love to sort the loads (sheets, blankets, towels, jeans, hubby's CalFire uniforms, separate load for the boy), I love trying out new detergents and fabric softeners, I love the sound of the machines whirring away in the early mornings or on a rainy afternoon, and I love dumping the warm clothes on the couch for my little boy to crawl into like my mom used to when I was small.  And, yes, I even love folding and putting away!

When I first became a Stay-At-Home parent, I found quickly I needed order and routine to not only stay on top of things but to help pass the time in a manageable I-am-not-gonna-go-bonkers kinda way.  So, one of the first tasks I set up a schedule for was the laundry.  I decided that all of the bath towels would be switched out every Sunday night and the loads would be washed every other Monday morning.  But I soon discovered that the towels needed to be washed even more often than that!  It didn't matter if I washed the towels on Monday morning, by Tuesday they still had that sour smell to them!  So frustrating and gross!

I quickly learned that the sour smell is mildew that has built up in the fibers of the towel and needs to be stripped out.  There are lots of ways to achieve this, but I found the most effective way was to use a combination of both Baking Soda and Distilled White Vinegar.  

On the highest water temperature setting, add 1 cup of Distilled White Vinegar and 1 cup of Baking Soda to the washer as it fills.  Add in the towels and no other laundry detergent or softeners!  This is very important as the residue from the softener builds up over time and the towels actually become less effective at drying and airing out.  And then, just to satisfy my need for the towels to have a "Laundry Day" fresh scent, I rewashed the load in cold water with just a small amount of detergent, literally a few drops. 

Dry the towels immediately on high heat in the dryer (without any softening products like dryer sheets) and do not remove until all of the towels are completely dry.  You can also hang them to dry and air out again in bright sunlight to be sure the smell has been taken care of.   

I did notice the sour-smell came back after 4 or 5 days (at least not overnight! LOL) so I used the same method again the next time I washed a load of towels.  After 3 treatments, my towels were super fresh and fluffy again and the 'Laundry Day' fresh scent lasted for over 2 weeks!  

I cannot believe how much this simple fix has reduced my time in the laundry room doing loads of towels!  And how much money it saved me from spending on a whole new set of towels!

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