(Shut the front door! They SOLD the baby!)
I have been working the past few weeks on reorganizing and simplifying our home for the new year. Okay, not for the new year, but for the new month! LOL One of the many 'perks' of OCD I tell ya! I have gone from room to room streamlining functionality, sorting through clutter (which I still have not figured out exactly how a minimalist family accrues so much of!), organizing storage, and just plain getting rid of stuff!
So, when it came time to hit the playroom and storage room (the spare bedroom upstairs that has become a literal floor-to-ceiling catch-all for "baby" stuff, I decided to really include my 4 year old in the process. We talked quite a bit about the reasons why it is important to stay organized as we moved furniture around, collected and grouped like items together, repaired and re-purposed toys, and put things away in the right place. We talked about the idea of charitability as we filled up bags and bags with things we didn’t need or want anymore to bring to the church to share with people who may not have as much as we do. And we talked about thriftiness as we set aside things we could sell and hopefully buy new toys or things we needed or wanted.
The boy really seemed to grasp and be comfortable with a lot of what we talked about! But we may have gotten a little over zealous with the thriftiness of it all............
On seeing some toys leave the house (excited):
“We’re gonna sell these toys like in a yard sale! Like Caillou! We can use the money to buy MORE things later if we need them!”
On not being able to find a favorite toy (sad):
“Mama! Where is my car? Is it in the selling pile?”
On not finding the potty chair in the bathroom (confused):
“Mama!! Where is my little potty? I can’t find it ANYWHERE!! Did you SELL it?!”
On putting together a baby shower gift (outraged to hysterical crying):
“We’re making a present for Evan and Easton today?”
“Yes, sweetie. Remember their family is getting a new baby brother pretty soon?”
"They’re getting a NEW BABY?!? What happened to the OLD BABY?!? Where's Easton?!?
Did they SELL HIM TOO?!?!? Oh my gosh Mama! They not ‘sposed to sell the real babies!!! Just the toy kind!!!”
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